Sunday, December 2, 2012

Book Review !

I have tons of books on my wishlist and since I seem to have like literally ALL the time in the world, I thought why not get started on that wishlist of mine. I am currently reading 3 books whose reviews I will be putting up in a few days. To be honest I have been reading The Casual Vacancy by JK Rowling since God knows when and in all my life I cant remember when I have ever been unable to finish a book in 2 days but this book did it for me, Anyway today's review isnt about that so moving on, I finished this book ''Can you keep a secret'' by Sophie Kinsella yesterday.

The moment I started this book, I knew it was a chic lit but no worries I told myself. I needed to read something which didnt require too much depth or thinking for that matter. To start off this book is about a mediocre girl with a mediocre job and a mediocre life who happens to bump in this multimillionaire tycoon one day and her life turns upside down. As it happens this filthy rich gentleman is equally into her as she is in to him. They both meet on a plane which gets into this awful turbulence and everyone thinks they are going to die. This is the moment when our 'girl on the street' starts blabbing out all the intimate and personal stuff about her life because of sheer nerves that she might end up dead any time soon. Of course that doesnt happen but the judgment call's already been made. I wont give away the entire storyline in case any of you is planning on reading it.

There are definitely a few laughing moments in it but other than that this book is just a time kill. For someone like me who doesnt really take it that well to romance in the first place, I found myself gagging on some points :D but oh well, at least it cheered me up a little bit. This book wont require you to use your brain cells neither will it ask you to give any of it much thought. Read it if you have nothing better to do with your life. Cheers ;)

Image courtesy Google

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